Freedom Rally is taking on a life of it's own!

The people are catching on, waking up, smelling the coffee! Thank you God. It must be said that with the help of many patriots and an energized electorate it appears the people are going to attempt to take this country back! The work has only just begun and we must always remain vigilant lest we are lulled back into the Party line stupor we have fallen for time and time again. All PROGRESSIVES must and will be removed from public office-period! Do not be fooled into thinking that can ever be compromised- it can not!
Check out the line up at the 1st Annual Daytona Bike Week Freedom Rally- you will be pleasantly surprised because we just started our bikes & They are not even warmed up yet!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

All of Soros' Scheming men.....

Let's start following the cheaters and their money- this is blatant manipulation and Obama should be impeached for giving this criminal a voice in our Nation's affairs. Soros states clearly that The United States Congress is a problem because they must agree to the Green Energy Manifesto-he said. “All that is lacking is the political will. Unfortunately the political will will be difficult to gather because of the mere fact that it requires congressional approval in the United States.” Soros said he had “informal discussions” with Obama administration officials and they recognized the difficulty of getting congressional approval. But he said the issue was too important to sweep aside. That would support the little O's big numerous actions to usurp the authority away from our congress so as to fulfill Soros' agenda. Please read Malkin's article first and then this and feel free to contribute to the discussion.

I want to be positive and I must say I am absolutely positive that the corruption in our government knows no boundaries and the only hope we have is in the complete replacement of all incumbents and their staff. It is time to shut down this government as it no longer represents the will of We the People, and is therefore a Tyrannical misrepresentation of our governments original intent. The Law of the land must be restored immediately and the criminal elites- aka "the progressives" must be exposed and called out. That goes for "all" the progressives no matter what aisle they sit on. The political agenda which abounds at this time if left unchecked,will bring certain destruction to our nation and all in power now should be suspect!
I hate to sound preachy, but God only knows how we will survive this.
The commitment and sacrifice that will be required on the part of all citizens is going to be very significant and we had better prepare for what will truly be required.
MADE in the USA should be a voluntary mandate- that will help reduce our debt. No more deficit spending-period. Our children and grandchildren will not be able to survive the unsustainable financial burden we are imposing on them and it is about time "We the People" exercise our 1st amendment rights publicly and refuse to adhere to the constraints of political correctness. It will be the absolute Death of Liberty if we do not address this issue head on in this election cycle.
O and Holder are Treasonous enemies of the State and their own words and deeds since elected prove it. Impeachment should be the first order of business after the elections. Someone needs to write thr orders now!
I withdraw consent and will exercise my 2nd amendment right as a birth right God gave me. I have the right to defend my country, my children, and myself against Tyranny. America's only guarantee of freedom is through this right. If it is lost all will be lost. Guns do not kill people, dirty politicians and other violent criminals do!
The three strikes rule must apply to politicians too- when they violate their oath of office time and time again it is imperative that we do what we are obligated to do: Defend our Mother country and kick the bastards out!
The United States of America came with a blessing from God and much blood shed- let us never forget the blood! Jesus sure didn't! We must put the welfare of our nation and her future first for if we do not we will be exterminated. It is now or never and all True Americans must get engaged. Silence and apathy are no longer options! Nov.2nd, 2010 vote the incumbent out!!!!!!

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