Freedom Rally is taking on a life of it's own!

The people are catching on, waking up, smelling the coffee! Thank you God. It must be said that with the help of many patriots and an energized electorate it appears the people are going to attempt to take this country back! The work has only just begun and we must always remain vigilant lest we are lulled back into the Party line stupor we have fallen for time and time again. All PROGRESSIVES must and will be removed from public office-period! Do not be fooled into thinking that can ever be compromised- it can not!
Check out the line up at the 1st Annual Daytona Bike Week Freedom Rally- you will be pleasantly surprised because we just started our bikes & They are not even warmed up yet!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ken (Old Texican)

12.23.09 @ 1:19PM

The Old Texican here with an announcement.
There is going to be a HUGE Freedom Rally in and around Daytona Florida on February 27 and 28, 2010. To graphically demonstrate freedom, almost NOBODY is going to wear a seat-belt.

You read correctly! The reason of course is that the freedom riders will be riding motorcycles. Heh!

I don’t know if any of you have ever been in a country mile of a bike rally, but believe me when I tell you…you can hear them for a lot of country miles. This time the roar will be heard all the way to Washington DC. I heard about the rally from a Viet Nam veteran. It turns out a LOT of the riders are going to be veterans. They are coming from all over the country. Many of them are really excited about rubbing shoulders again with their comrades who “have been there-done that”.

Along with those veterans are going to be the free-est of their free fellow Americans who demand the right to strap on a big-bike and hang it out there. …seatbelts not included.

Hah! I don’t expect any little wimp snarks will tossing around the “tea-bagging” epithet down there either. I personally plan on being extremely polite, because I don’t particularly care for certain sandwiches.

From what I understand, one of the coolest activities that will be going on, is the planning and scheming for additional rallies in key locations all across the county.Datona-ROT Austin Tx - Sturgis ND

My personal lobbying will be for Washington DC, and the media headquarters in both New York, and as many major TV affiliates in major markets as possible.

When a hundred thousand big bikes hit DC believe me, they will “literally” shake the foundations of our renegade government. Man, I can picture it now: at the exact moment when all those bikes go quiet at the same time. ..a hundred thousand voices roaring “OK, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?” “YOU ARE FIRED!” and

About Old Texican;
When a child hood disease stopped him from being accepted in the Army, Old Texican started using the resources available to him. He and his boys worked in Southeast Asia privately preparing telecom towers /looking post and very quietly [was told he had gone to far] while preparing several key forward bunkers to give our boys some safety. During that time, out ahead of our troops by several months he was beaten, wounded in combat and received a baptism under fire without the aid of trained mercenaries or regular army from any country. His reward was no purple heart, but a swift kick in ass an escorted out of country by both sides, as a festering thorn in the foot of any one oppressing our troops. By the way in case you’re wondering YES he would do it again! Old Texican has the TEXAS roots date back to the very day The Texas Territory was liberated! He bleeds RED WHITE and BLUE, the very notions of taking away freedom will get the ire of one very proud AMERICAN.

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